Prayer Tree
The Prayer Tree has been praying for prayer requests for over 40 years. We are expanding to become the SCB+SFA+SP Prayer Tree. We stand ready to pray for you and your prayer intentions. You may submit prayer requests for yourself, family and friends by emailing or by calling 636-928-2970 (Ann). Your prayer requests may be specific or as general as a "Special Intention." You may submit full names, first names, initials, or no names, you decide what you are comfortable sharing in the prayer request. The Prayer Tree receives over 1,000 prayer requests each year. We would love to include your prayer intentions in our daily prayers.
It is a privilege to lift up each prayer request to God. There is great power in shared community prayer. The Prayer Tree has 175+ prayer members. Prayer requests are emailed to prayer tree members as they are received so that prayers may be lifted up in a timely manner. If God is calling you to join the Prayer Tree, please email your name and email address to We will be happy to add you to one of our three email distribution lists. Please contact Ann Tollefson at 636-928-2970 or if you have any questions.